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Manage Stress and Build Resilience

E-Learning course to manage stress and take back control 

  • Do you want to learn simple, evidenced-based, user friendly techniques to reduce stress in your life?  
  • Do you want to identify your personal stress triggers and signs, so you can manage your stress better and be able to support your family and friends?  
  • Do you want to understand the physiology and neuroscience of stress to improve your wellbeing?  

If you respond yes to any of these questions, then our new E-learning ‘Manage Stress and Build Resilience’ course can help you become less stressed and more resilient. 

At FD Consultants we have helped thousands of people feel more able to cope during stressful times. We provide the tools and knowledge to help people remain resilient when facing stressful situations such as, job losses, high workloads, ill health, relationship breakups, managing uncertainty or dealing with conflict. 

We have been leading the way in developing wellbeing workshops for individuals and organisations, getting excellent results, and have now adapted our successful trademark ‘Manage Stress & Build Resilience’ workshop online, so everyone can benefit from it.  

Everyone experiences stress. A certain level of stress is good for us and helps us to be productive. Stress fuels us with adrenaline which helps to increase our energy levels. Too much stress will start to impact our productivity, will leave us feeling tired and can have a negative impact on our relationships and health. We are living in a time of great uncertainty, with pandemics, war, and civil unrest regularly in the news. As human beings we do not like 

ambiguity and unpredictability, which results in us experiencing higher levels of stress. 

We are being forced to adapt in ways we haven’t before and find new techniques to manage our stress level and improve our wellbeing. To download our stress factsheet go to the resources page and look under info sheets. 

As we have received such great results with our trademark ‘Stress Management and Resilience Building’ workshop, we now want to adapt this workshop online and make it readily available to everyone at a reduced cost. 

This is a simple to follow, user friendly, engaging training. We will provide information to help you identify your stress symptoms and triggers, an exploration of the neuroscience and physiology of stress, and helpful techniques to reduce your stress levels. 

If you want to learn these skills and share them with those close to you, to reduce your stress levels and help others, then sign up here. You can complete the training in your own time, and we will provide information that you can continue to refer to well after you have completed the course. 

If you would like to discuss any of our services further, then please contact us on [email protected] 


Work with FD Consultants

FD Consultants is here to help any organisation looking to offer their staff with effective, empathetic, and collaborative psychological support. We are a source of hope and strength when it feels like you haven’t got any left. Reach out to our team of specialists today to discuss the situation you or your workplace is facing, and let us find a proven, evidence-based solution to navigate you through this challenging period.

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